Announcing Installatron on Big Kahuna Hosting

BKH has now added Installatron to our customer’s Cpanel.

In a nutshell, it allows the novice web master to install his choice from over 50 web applications (Forum, Blog, On-line Photo Album, Wiki, Portal…) in just a few clicks. Previously, a web master would had to create a database and user, associate them, downloads and unpack the application, modify the config.php, FTP to his account, run a setup and hope like Hell he didn’t screw any of it up. Now Installatron does all of that for our customers. Additionally, images it easy to upgrade to the new versions inside of your Cpanel. So simple a Neanderthal Texan (as Biden would refer to us) can do it.

Just one more reason why Web Masters should move their hosting to BKH.

Click Here to view all of the available apps.